Ethos & Values

Our School

At New Horizons Primary School, we teach our children that together, they can make a positive difference. Here is the story that inspires the work we do: 

A man and his son were walking along the beach late one evening as the tide was going out. 

The beach was strewn with starfish that had been washed up by the stormy seas earlier in the day. 

The young boy stopped walking and, to the dismay of his father, started picking up the starfish and throwing them back into the sea. 

His father who was keen to keep moving said, “Why are you doing that, son?”  The young boy replied that he was returning the starfish to the sea where they belonged. 

The boy’s father looked at him and said, “But there are too many of them and you will never make a difference.” 

Whereupon the boy picked up one final starfish and placed it into the sea and said, “Well, I made a difference to that one.”

Our Core Values

At New Horizons Primary School, we uphold three core values that guide our community:

1. Are you ready?

  • Look, listen, and always give your best effort.

2. Are you being respectful?

  • Use kind words and actions.
  • Follow instructions.

3. Are you being safe?

  • Walk carefully around the school and in lessons.
  • Stay calm.
  • If there is s a problem, tell an adult.

These values help us create a positive and supportive learning environment for everyone.

Together we will make a difference; supporting, encouraging and inspiring everyone to be: successful learners, responsible citizens and happy, confident individuals.

Our Logo

Our school logo of a starfish is to remind everyone that each day they should strive to make a positive difference.

As a parent you can expect:

  • Your child to be safe and happy in school
  • A challenging and secure learning environment which encourages your child to do their best
  • A high standard of teaching and engaging curriculum content
  • Praise and clear guidelines for positive behaviour for learning; helping each child grow into a responsible citizen
  • An open and welcoming school with opportunities to celebrate, share and discuss your child’s achievements
  • To be involved in school life

Our basic offer for all children is set out as Wave One provision in our SEND offer.  In addition, we offer Wave Two and Wave Three to meet identified needs.